¡Viva Las Toxicas!
Taking a risk with an untapped market in the most competitive city in the world, two veteran club owners — Keith Slifstein & Alan Chang — look to make a name for themselves by...
Is Dallas one of the top adult club markets of all time?
EXPO 2024 kicked off appropriately with the “Legends of Dallas” seminar (Monday, August 26), featuring three key figures in the illustrious history of the Dallas Metroplex club market. Dawn Rizos, David Fairchild and Scott...
‘Owning’ your social media accounts is a no-brainer
Every club has social media — but who “controls” your account? As marketing expert Macy John explains, it’s a bad idea to allow multiple staff members to control your socials because it can be...
Dancer safety: ‘Stranger danger’ isn’t just for kids
As the EXPO endeavors to welcome more entertainers to the convention, more seminars will be dedicated exclusively to them. This year, Robert Smith of Nightclub Security Consultants provided a “Dancer Safety” seminar, and here...
Uniting in the face of adversity
With the 2024 Presidential Election just weeks away, the “Find Your Friends, Know Your Enemies” seminar aimed to enlighten attendees on the efforts by the “Zealous Right” to put adult businesses out of business....
What did thousands of dancers have to say about your clubs?
Caressa of Pole Position — the app that serves as the “middle man” between clubs who are looking for entertainers and entertainers who are looking for clubs to dance in — polled literally thousands...
A new era of entertainer retention
An entire industry hinges on one very crucial element — specifically, the entertainers. But as club operators around the US have lamented, having enough quality dancers — and keeping the ones you do have...
The evolution of female club managers
Less than a decade ago, female club managers were few and far between. Now, they’re more prevalent than ever and enjoying success — enough that it’s impossible for the industry to not take notice....
A shot across the bow
The EXPO Keynote Address by Maverick Theory’s Michael Tipps (Monday, August 26) served as a wake-up call to an industry that’s been struggling as of late. Some in attendance may have been uncomfortable with...
From the legal trenches … The EXPO 2024 Legal Panel
In part one of our two-part EXPO 2024 Legal Panel coverage, ED Legal Correspondent Larry Kaplan (who also moderated this panel) offers a detailed recap of the key legal issues discussed and dissected by...
Success in adult entertainment: What it takes to survive
Exposé San Diego owner Dino Palmiotto is keen to share his expertise and insights, in his own words, as he endeavors to help other club operators adapt their businesses in a very competitive market.
Latest StripJointsMusic tracks celebrate the ladies!
The latest tracks for adult nightclub DJs — courtesy of StripJointsMusic.com — are here! This brand new batch of tunes showcases the ladies — songs celebrating women, or sung by women, or both! Check...
Luce Cannon exposes Diddy, blows up with “Cookout”
Hip-hop artist and producer Luce Cannon has made the news for something he said back in April 2024 that has gained a ton of traction as of late. Cannon told the world via the...
Remembering ‘The Don’
(NOTE: This story appears in the September 2024 issue of ED Magazine. Scroll to the bottom to read an essay written by Devyn Waitt in memory of her father.)
As the saying goes, a picture...