Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is live and the race is on!
Compete for a free EXPO badge each Throwback Thursday!
If you’ve seen the EXPO 2018 “Party Business” logo, you know that it’s a nod to a popular ‘80s movie starring Tom Cruise and featuring an iconic scene involving Ray Ban sunglasses, a button-down dress shirt and white athletic socks. It’s not surprising, then, to see our theme for the EXPO’s Opening Night Party—“The 80s Movie Party”—and the Party’s $500 “Risky Business” costume contest.
But even though the EXPO is still three months away, now is the time for you to get in on the fun! Each week for five straight weeks, we’ll be giving away a free EXPO badge for correct answers to all questions in our “Let’s Get Risky” ‘80s Movie Trivia Contest. [See a sample trivia question below.] Each week will have a different theme (action heroes, horror, John Hughs, etc.), and we will announce last week’s winner with the announcement of the new week’s contest. PLEASE NOTE: If multiple people have all of the responses correct, we will determine the winner by when the first correct batch of answers is received.
This ‘80s Movie Trivia Contest will be featured each “Throwback Thursday” for the upcoming five weeks (5/31, 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28).
P.S. Good luck trying to “Google” these questions … you’re messing with two ’80s movie nerds! Bahahahahaha! 😛
Our “Let’s Get Risky” ’80s Movie Trivia Contest on this #TT #ThrowbackThursday is live and listed here. The FIRST PERSON (industry professional) to submit all five correct answers will receive a FREE Expo 2018 badge! And … go! Click here for Trivia!