As a trained dancer and childhood listener of a multitude of genres, Lexy Panterra knows how to groove.
Hip-hop was her favorite. Ballet — not so much.
“My stepdad is African-American and being around him and his cousins, we just knew how to shake ass and twerk,” Panterra said in an interview for ED Magazine. “It was just a natural thing, they taught me how to do it and I remembered from my childhood growing up. I wasn’t twerking through high school and whatnot, not twerking through the times but for some reason, when I saw some twerk videos in 2014, I was like ‘I want to do this,’ so I had this plan and I did it and it came out amazing.”
ED Magazine, courtesy of, caught up with Lexy to talk about twerking, her single “Booty On Her” with Trina and touring.
ED: Can you tell us a bit about the Twerk Out Fitness Program and what caused you to want to start doing it?
LEXY: I saw there was a niche market that wasn’t being fulfilled properly. The money honey, I needed that so we’re diving in. But I learned really quickly it was way more than that and it turned into changing people’s lives, so, that’s what kept me going. Ultimately, everything was super fun and amazing. It led me in a great life.
ED: How was it working with the legendary Trina on “Booty On Her”?
LEXY: Trina, definitely a diva, super fun. We had some good times on set. I’m more of a weed smoker but I took a couple of shots with her and honestly it definitely loosened up the vibe. I had a blast — it got the job done quicker for sure.
ED: What is it about music that makes you so passionate?
LEXY: Even when I try to quit it, it knocks back. The business is so stressful, that’s why we have great managers we get to work with. But music is emotional for me, I go through a lot of things with relationships so my outlet is music — gotta get into the studio and rock it out.
ED: Who has been a major influence in your music?
LEXY: Men, unfortunately. And me just owning my own body and my sexuality makes me have an alter ego. I have my humble side, but I have my I’ll-come-for-your-throat-I’m-a-brat-bitch side. It’s pretty eclectic so my music changes as my mood changes. I’m a Gemini — what are you gonna do about it? Other people that inspire me: Gwen Stefani, Fergie, the Fugees, Lauryn Hill. I grew up also listening to Scorpions and Depeche Mode. My dad and my mom were so different, so my range goes really wide.
ED: Will you be touring in the near future and what is your favorite part about being on tour?
LEXY: Hell yeah, I want to tour and I better tour and I’m excited to tour. It’s exhausting but it’s so much fun. You feel alive because you really can connect with the fans and know who they are. Hiding behind a screen is really hard so I’m really excited to get the opportunity and chance to go out there and connect with them, rock out and have a good time, not be in my head anxious at home. It’s better on stage.
ED: Why will “Booty On Her” be a great choice to play in gentlemen’s clubs?
LEXY: Listen, I want to shake my ass to it so when you have women on stage shaking ass and they’re going to want to — they’re going to feel sexy with this record. If it gets me shaking, it’s going to get the other girls shaking, which means more money in the strip clubs. The dancers are happy, the customers are happy — we’re all happy!