As the 2020 election is now just over one month away, the drive to get more people registered is in full swing. Everyone from athletes to musicians to social media celebs are using their collective influence to get the younger generation and those who typically ignore the elections to, instead, get engaged and get registered.
Of course, these voting drives are nothing new — but when it involves exotic dancers, it becomes newsworthy. Such is the case with a recent video put together by strippers in Atlanta, who created a voting promotion called “Get Your Booty to the Polls” that leaves little to the imagination, yet gives potential voters a lot to consider.
“So you’re really not going to vote? You know there’s more than just a president on a ballot, right? A district attorney decides who to prosecute, including whether or not to go after dirty cops. You know who elects the DA? We do,” women in the video are seen to say.
“Get Your Booty to the Polls” was directed by Angela Gomes and produced by Paul Fox. The effort began with a GoFundMe as the partners explained they were looking for a way to increase the number of Black citizens to vote. And dancers tend to attract attention, don’t they?! Articles on this very unique voting promotion have appeared in Newsweek, the NY Daily News,, and more.
Check out their PSA video right here!