“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”
—General George S. Patton
An Open Letter to ACE National Members:
Dear Colleagues,
As we say goodbye to our friend and partner, Larry Flynt, so to, hopefully, we say goodbye to this damn pandemic.
“Being in a wheelchair for 30 years, I’m not whining about it because I don’t dwell on things I cannot change,” Flynt once said. “I never really think about it until someone mentions it. I did take a bullet.”
The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve as our industry deals with its challenges, namely state-wide governor mandates, extraordinary revenue loss, restrictions on our freedoms, and the significant negative economic and mental health impacts of our workers.
Governments around the world took strict measures to ensure the safety of citizens.
In addition to the immediate and grave health concerns, we saw a much wider impact on all of our lives within the global economy. And we too, have taken a proverbial bullet.
Understandably, there is a great sense of unease within the adult entertainment industry.
It is in this context that I would like to address you on behalf of our ACE National Board of Directors, our Executive Director, and myself.
First and foremost, we would like to thank you for what you have done to weather this crisis and to help our industry cope with COVID-19. Your commitment to health and safety makes all the difference.
I would also like to reassure you that as an industry, we are resilient. Since ACE National was established in 1999, we have seen – and mastered – many challenging moments. We are convinced that we will overcome this one too.
And we would like to remind you of the special responsibility that an industry like ours has at this time. Entertainment, food, and beverage products, are essential to peoples’ lives. In moments like these our purpose and values matter a lot to the people and communities we serve.
It is in times of crisis that heroes are born. Our industry values charity and safety. Resourcefulness shined during some of our most difficult hours. We earnestly and humbly watched as many of you contributed to making our industry better.
Attending the Gentlemen’s Club Owner’s Expo is a moment for extra effort, for going the extra mile. I fully recognize we are asking a lot for you to attend because all of us are also busy managing challenging business, personal, and family situations at this moment. But your effort to attend will make a huge difference to other club owners, vendors, and workers who look to you for support and comfort during such a difficult year.
I would like to recognize in particular, our frontline employees, our dancers, and managers—your commitment and your discipline have been critical to maintain business continuity. It is our priority to support you in this important endeavor.
To overcome the unique challenges of COVID-19, we request all of you to stay focused on the three priorities ACE National outlined in earlier communications:
First, the safety of us all is paramount. We can only make positive contributions and live our purpose and values if we stay healthy and avoid spreading the virus through adherence to our safety guidelines and reopening plans.
Second, business continuity is key. Focusing efforts on securing supplies and managing logistics every step of the way, was a stellar part of what makes our industry innovative and unique.
And third – to the extent you can – please provide a helping hand to the communities around us and our many premier industry providers. This is the moment to demonstrate grace under pressure. Many people and companies were harder hit than ours and will have to cope with graver challenges as a result of this crisis. Please help them to get through this – it is part of our values and people DO remember. This is a time when we can be a true force for good.
This mindset also applies to us as colleagues. Due to our unique culture, we often refer to the adult entertainment community as a family. Travel restrictions have led to difficult personal and family situations for many of our colleagues. Your personal caring and help can make a lot of difference – it will also make us a stronger and even more united team. Please live and breathe the ACE National team spirit.
While the virus threat is global in nature, the situation is different in each country (and county) and changing fast, bringing some light into very dark corners. Case counts continue to plummet as vaccine distribution rises. Restrictions are easing. As John Gray of Spearmint Rhino said during the height of the pandemic: “We will survive this…”
I am proud and inspired by the way our ACE National members rose to this challenge – with flexibility, resilience, courage – and a caring heart. Thank you for your enormous contributions. Let’s work together – across all sectors of our business – to keep going. Let’s make this one of our finest hours.
Along with everyone else at ACE national, I am working hard to cope with this crisis. We, and I, will be with you every step of the way, and like most of you, I too, have family to worry about. People we love are forever gone or damaged by this virus.
It’s during times such as this, the worry list can be long for all of us without exception. Yet I am also convinced that we will get through this, if we don’t lose our self-confidence or our energy.
Working safely may get old, but so do those who do not practice it.
Please, look after yourselves and your families. And stay safe.
Thank you.
Jason Mohney
ACE National President