Inquiries about the band Moon Fever’s dealings with gentlemen’s clubs produce a sly, safe answer.
“Pshhh, haha, you know the answer to that question! What rock band hasn’t?” retorts vocalist Cody Jasper of Moon Fever when asked about past exploits at jiggle joints. “I’ll just say, we have had every bit of a good time every time we go into a strip club!”
It is so cool to see people enjoying their lives at shows again. It’s truly inspiring. Giving people 45 minutes to forget about all the problems they have and just enjoy life is an amazing experience. — Mitch Micoley, Moon Fever
It’s not surprising listening to Jasper and guitarist Mitch Micoley playfully parry that type of question as the pair ooze charisma and eagerness when discussing their music and plans.
ED Magazine spoke with Jasper and Micoley about Moon Fever’s new track “Single All Summer” — available through StripJoints Music — touring plans, as well as music’s importance amid COVID.

ED: Aside from “Payphone Blues” and “Single All Summer,” what have you guys been up to since our last interview in December?
MICOLEY: We have been touring like crazy. We did a run with Buckcherry, Adelitas Way, 10 Years and Hinder, with more dates to be announced soon!
JASPER: Man … tons of stuff: Touring, moving our HQ to Seattle … and steady rockin’!
ED: From your perspective, has COVID ushered in any changes for the music industry that could be here to stay moving forward?
MICOLEY: Only time can tell. It was a good opportunity for me to be locked in a house where all I had to focus on was writing though, I’m sure there will be a lot more music released from COVID times.
ED: Have you found renewed importance in being musicians given what people are dealing with and how music can help people cope with all the nerve-wracking news in the world these days?
MICOLEY: It is so cool to see people enjoying their lives at shows again. It’s truly inspiring. Giving people 45 minutes to forget about all the problems they have and just enjoy life is an amazing experience.
JASPER: Oh my god yes, the last two tours we did were amazing. The crowds, the people, the vibes. Everyone was there to have fun and hear some rock music. And there was a lot of them. It was a crucial thing I think for me to realize … and to see and experience, how much music means to me and to people. Music is so fucking powerful, yet so simple. It definitely has given me tons of motivation and a new way to look at writing/performing songs in general. It’s for the people who bought tickets man. We’re here to give them a fucking show!
(“Single All Summer” is) a song saying ‘I’m single, it’s summer, watch me shake my ass!’ — Cody Jasper, Moon Fever
ED: Can you talk about the tour you’re on and how good it feels to be back performing?MICOLEY: It’s amazing. I wouldn’t do anything else. Maybe other than write songs and record. But you just can’t beat the feeling of giving them a show.
JASPER: Incredible man, it feels incredible to be on the road playing music for people who want to hear it. Very grateful.
ED: StripJoints services DJs at gentlemen’s clubs nationwide, so, in your words, why would “Single All Summer” be a good choice to play at a gentlemen’s club?
MICOLEY: Well, it’s about being free, enjoying your life, living to the fullest. I can see some shaking to it.
JASPER: It’s a song saying ‘I’m single, it’s summer, watch me shake my ass!’