It was surely surprising for many to learn that the majestic landscapes featured in the “Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy—snow-covered mountains, forests, beaches and more—were all filmed in one place: New Zealand. What isn’t surprising is that the beautiful scenery on display in those movies helped draw tourists to the country (consisting of two large, main islands) located just southeast of Australia. In fact, it was reported that the annual tourist influx to New Zealand grew 40%, from 1.7 million in 2000 to 2.4 million in 2006, a boost which was largely attributed to the “Lord of the Rings” movies.
Of course, the landscapes aren’t the only beauties being showcased in the other “land down under.” One of their sexiest exports is feature entertainer Bambi Wilde, who moved to the U.S. from New Zealand a couple of years ago after competing in the Miss Nude World contest where she won multiple titles. Bambi also competed in the 2018 EDI East contest where she wowed the crowd with her acrobatic “Harley Quinn” routine.
We had the opportunity to find out a bit more about this Kiwi transplant, and you can learn even more by checking out her own personalized Spotify playlist courtesy of Concrete Marketing and
ED: You are originally from New Zealand. When did you relocate to the U.S. and what made you decide to move to the U.S.?
BAMBI: Yes I’m a Kiwi; I originally started coming to the States purely as a competitor in Miss Nude World. I won some titles, which got me noticed and got clubs interested in me. But honestly, I fell in love, and that’s why I stayed.
ED: How would you describe New Zealand to someone that’s never been there? What do you enjoy most about it?
BAMBI: New Zealand, or Aotearoa, is a small country of five million people. We have a female Prime Minister and a considerably more socialist government, though we still are part of the free market. We have free healthcare. We are not part of Australia. Our native people are Māori. Only 10% of our population speaks fluent Te Reo Māori, but most of us incorporate Māori words into our everyday New Zealand English. What I miss most from Aotearoa when I’m away is the west coast beaches, and our Native “Christmas tree” The Pōhutukawa
ED: What is your favorite part of being a feature entertainer? How would you describe your “personality” as a feature, and what are some of your favorite shows?
BAMBI: I love the adventure. I’m constantly on as a traveling feature, experiencing new places and meeting new people. Performing gives me a great buzz. I’m definitely a high- energy performer. I love pole and aerials, but I also use my training in hip-hop and contemporary dance. Despite, my preference for fast-paced routines, I know when to slow down and get sensual, too. It’s about timing!
ED: What are your favorite types of music to dance to? Conversely, what music do you listen to when you aren’t working a club?
BAMBI: I have an eclectic and varied musical taste, as you can probably tell from my playlist. I love to dance to anything iconic with a good beat. Generally, when I’m driving around I listen to alternative or classic rock.
ED: If you could see a concert of any musician or band, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
BAMBI: If I could see anyone I’d probably have to see Prince. I missed out on seeing him live before he passed away.
More about Bambi, courtesy of!
Where do you hail from (born and raised): New Zealand
How many years have you been dancing: 15
How many years have you featured: 8
Favorite type of music: I like anything with a good beat
Favorite recording artist: Prince
Favorite song to dance to: This changes frequently, but right now it’s “Come Together” by Gary Clark Jr
Favorite song to listen to: “Silver Spring” by Fleetwood Mac
Favorite club manager: I’m not answering that ?
Favorite DJ: I’m not answering that either
Favorite part of your work night: When the club is pumping, the vibe is high and everyone is happy; the dancers are putting the energy out to the crowd and the crowd is sending it back.
Pet working peeve: When people don’t work as a team
Advice for new feature dancers: Do it your way, be true to yourself, and work out where YOU want your career to go. Never stop training, keep learning and improving on your performance and building your skill set. Stay humble, stay hydrated. love yourself and what you’re doing, then others will too.
See Bambi’s personalized Spotify playlist here, courtesy of!