ED’s Industry COVID

Below is a list of companies we have found that offer products and services that club owners and retail store owners may need now and into the future as businesses adjust to the New Normal. You’ll notice that many of the vendors from the pages of our two industry trade publications—ED Magazine and STOREROTICA Magazine—are now also offering COVID-related products, and we would certainly encourage you to go to them first to order items.

This Shopping List will be a work in progress and we will be updating it as we find other companies we think you should know about when ordering your PPE supplies. If you know of a company that should be included on this Shopping List please email their information to Caroline Ashe at caroline@EDpublications.com or Kris Kay at kris@EDpublications.com or call them at (727) 726-3592.

Please be sure to bookmark www.exoticdancer.com and www.storerotica.com for the latest news on the industry’s response to the COVID virus.

Cleaning and Disinfectant Supplies:

Cannon Industrial Products: (615) 391-4046, johnbrizz@cannonindustrialproducts.com,
www.cannonindustrialproducts.com, Nashville, TN

CloroxPro: (800) 234-7700, www.cloroxpro.com


CMA Dismachines: (714) 898-8781, www.cmadishmachines.com, Garden Grove, CA
Glastender: (800) 748-0423; jwilson@glastender.com; www.glastender.com; Saginaw, MI

Disposable Barware:

BarProducts.com: (8007) 256-6396, shannon.cain@barproducts.com, www.barproducts.com, Largo, FL

4th Utensil: (877) 578-7297, 4thutensil.com, Lowell, AR
Bar Supply: (972) 735-0080, info@barssupply.com, www.barssupply.com, Farmers Branch, TX
Not Paper Straws: (310) 922-7292, info@notpaperstraws.com, www.notpaperstraws.com, Los Angeles
Restaurant Ware: (800) 851-9273, service@restaurantware.com, www.restaurantware.com, Chicago
Round Eye Supply: (855) 845-2935, support@roundeyesupply.com, www.roundeyesupply.com, Larenceville, GA
Win Cup: (800) 292-2877, www.wincup.com, Stone Mountain, GA

Everything PPP:

Grainger Products and Supplies: cleaning, PPE, signage, touchless solutions – (800) 472-4643, www.Grainger.com
Impact Enterprises: (855) 855-3907, green@impactenterprises.com, www.impactenterprises.com, Las Vegas

Face Masks:

GentClubShirts: (844) 488-2547, chris@safarisun.com,
www.GentClubShirts.com, www.safarisun.com,

Altamonte Springs, FL

Bonafide Masks: (914) 664-7500, www.bonafidemasks.com, Mount Veron, NY
Klein Electronics: (800) 959-2899, rklein@kleinelectronics.com, www.kleinelectronics.com, Escondido, CA
MQ Direct: (646) 208-8574, marlon@MQDirect.com, www.MQdirect.com, Bayside, NY
Nalpac: (248) 541-1140, a.lazzara@nalpac.com, www.nalpac.com, Ferndale, MI
Safe Zone: (323) 417-4595, support@safezonefacemasks.com, www.safezonefacemasks.com
Success Promotions: (314) 878-1999, www.successpromotions.com, Chesterfield, MO
Waitressville: (214) 570-4930, terra@waitressville.com, www.waitressville.com, Dallas


d2dppe: (416) 639-2927, www.d2dppe.com, Pompano Beach, FL
Safety Zone: (800) 821-5702, www.safety-zone.com, Guilford, CT

Guest Lists & Screening:

GuestQueue: (800) 479-4682, www.guestqueue.com, West Covina, CA
Wristband Specialty: (800) 940-3993, mike@wristbandspecialty.com, www.wristbandspecialty.com, Pompano Beach, FL

Hand Sanitizer:

M.D. Science: (888) 657-1717 briana@swissnavy.com,
www.mdsciencelab.com, Pompano, FL

1933 Distillery: (424) 362-6866, gc@mmgtinc.com,
Bulk Apothecary: (888) 728-7612, sales@bulkapothecary.com, www.bulkapothecary.com, Aurora, OH
Nalpac: (248) 541-1140, a.lazzara@nalpac.com, www.nalpac.com, Ferndale, MI
Ready Care: (702) 445-8295, sdoud@readycare.com, www.readycare.com, Aurora, CO
SanitUSA: (866) 900-8732, sales@unifiedcleaning.com, www.sanitUSA.com, Hillside, NJ
Standup Stations: (800) 413-9490, www.standupstations.com
Tube Lighting Products: (888) 554-8823, rick@tubelightingproducts.com, www.tubelightingproducts.com, El Cajon, CA

Location Cleaning:

Aftermath: (877) 686-7871, www.aftermath.com
Enviroserve: (800) 488-0910, www.enviroserve.com
Nex Clean: (844) 639-2561, info@nex-clean.com, www.nex-clean.com
ServPro: (800) SERVPRO, www.servpro.com, Gallatin, TN

Plexiglass (and physical barriers):

Acme Plastics: (888) 341-5436,
www.acmeplastics.com, Miami, FL

Lytepost: (310) 383-6090, cory@lytepost.com, www.lytepost.com, Las Vegas
Holo-Walls: (818) 735-3565, kevin@holowalls.com, www.holowalls.com, Westlake Village, CA
HRR Custom Designs: (540) 271-2345, riccardo@hrrcustomdesigns.com, www.hrrcustomdesigns.com, Houston
IM Branded: (866) 717-4467, ask@imbranded.com, www.imbranded.com, Pontiac, MI
Lushes Curtains: (626)453-0337, joe@lushescurtains.com, www.lushescurtains.com, South El Monte, CA
Safely 6 Feet: (855) 723-3596, support@safely6ft.com, www.safely6ft.com
Shop Pop Displays: (888) 326-2071, www.shopPOPdisplays.com, New Jersey
Venue Industries: (855) 558-3683, chuck@venueindustries.com, www.venueindustries.com, Tampa, FL

QR, Touchless and Disposable Menus:

Bar Pay: (877) 227-7299, merchants@barpay.com, www.barpay.com
Bbot: (415) 236-0357, www.bbot.menu
Digital Dining: (703) 912-3000, rlngndrfr@aol.com, www.digitaldining.com, Falls Church, VA
H. Risch: (800) 660-3335, www.hrisch.com, Rochestert, NY
iCashout: support@icashout.io, www.icashout.io, Seacaucus, NY
iWallet.com – hello@iwallet.com, www.iwallet.com
TapWow (303) 536 5934, info@tapwow.net, www.tapwow.net, Greenwood Village, CO

Sanitizing Solutions:

Club Control Systems: (800) 653-3189, wcato@clubcontrolsystems.com, www.clubcontrolsys.com, Atlanta


Bar Chefs: (865) 456-1306, sales@barchefs.com, www.barchefs.com, Knoxville, TN
FastSigns: (800) FASTSIGNS, www.fastsigns.com
I.C.E. Signs: (603) 347-3005, sales@icesigns.com, www.icesigns.com, Seabrook, NH
Onestone: (866) 702-2272, david@onestonehub.com, www.OneStoneHub.com, Lake Elsinore, CA
Rival Lighted Signs: (817) 420-3389, thorton@rivalsigncompany.com, www.RivalSignCompany.com, White Settlement, TX
Sophatar: (844) 469-7674, bdecanne@sophatar.com, www.sophatar.com, San Jose, CA
Zem Media: (844) 804-1395, Tom@zem-media.com, www.zem-media.com, Las Vegas

Single-Use Condiments:

DollarDays.com: (877) 837-9569, service@dollardays.com, www.dollardays.com
Minimus: (805) 480-1415, marketing@minimus.biz, www.minimus.biz
RoundEyeSupply.com: (855) 845-2935, service@roundeyesupply.com, www.roundeyesupply.com
Webstaurant Store: help@webstaurantstorte.com, www.webstaurantstore.com

Touchless Dryers (bathroom equipment):

Dyson AirBlade Hand Dryers: (844) 705-4777, www.dyson.com/for-business
Excel Dryers: (888) 961-4340, sales@exceldryer.com, www.exceldryer.com, East Longmeadow, MA
Pathspot: info@pathspottech.com, www.pathspottech.com
Pro Dryers: (888) 503-7937, customerservice@prodyers.com, www.prodryers.com, Livonia, MI
Waterless: 760-727-7723, salesorder@Waterless.com, www.waterless.com, Vista, CA

Touchless ID scanners:

IDScan.net – (888) 357-8530, denis@idscan.net,
Metairie, LA

IDetect.net  (888) 270-4513, info@idetect.net, www.idetect.net, Bonita Springs, FL
Patron Scan:  (877) 778-9798, trevor@patronscan.com, www.servalldatasystems.com, Calgary, AB
Tokenworks: (800) 574-5034, www.tokenworks.com, Bronxville, NY

Touchless Thermometers (and temperature checks):

McKesson: (855) 571-2100, www.mckesson.com
River Thermal: (917) 633-7590, sales@riverthermal.com, www.riverthermal.com, Carlsbad, CA
Safe Zone: (323) 417-4595, support@safezonefacemasks.com, www.safezonefacemasks.com
ThermoMedics: (305) 433-7814, www.thermomedics.com, Encinitas, CA

Touchless Transactions

Nationwide Payment Systems: (954) 478-7741, allen@npsbank.com, www.NPSBank.com, Fort Lauderdale
Rebel Payments: (407) 588-4181, tiffany@rebelpayments.us, www.RebelPayments.us, Orlando

Touchless Trashcans:

Displays2Go: (800) 572-2194, info@displays2go.com, www.displays2go.com, Fall River, MA
Kitchen Source: (800) 667-8721, support@kitchensource.com, www.kitchensource.com, Milford, CT
Trashcans Unlimited: (800) 279-3615, sales@trashcansunlimited.com, www.trashcansunlimited.com, Honesdale, PA
ULine: (800) 295-5510, www.uline.com, Pleasant Prairie, WI

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