I went fishing Sunday.
I don’t even like to fish.
But I went fishing in the bay off the dock in my backyard. To make the exercise more palatable, I went down to the dock with a chocolate chip pot cookie, a pitcher of lemonade and Tito’s Vodka, a Cuban Montecristo cigar, and my Mega Boom box with a playlist of equal parts James Brown, Marilyn Manson and Kasabian.
In three and a half months, I (along with a very seasoned ED staff) am hosting over 2,000 club owners, managers, vendors and entertainers for four action-packed days of panels, tradeshows and special events at the 2018 Gentlemen’s Club EXPO in Las Vegas.
Didn’t even think about it.
I need to call in some repair people to fix the shower in my Master Bathroom which is leaking, and to also fix the 4K LG OLED TV I recently bought and whose screen is now going black every 30 minutes.
Didn’t even think about it.
Two of my family members are involved in a minor squabble and, of course, they each think I should take their side.
Didn’t even think about it.
My back hurts like hell because I keep lifting heavy things that I shouldn’t.
Didn’t even think about it.
Crazy people either shot or ran over men, women, children and police officers last week.
Felt horrible about it, but pushed it aside and didn’t think about it.
All those personal worries and work-related worries and health worries and social and political worries that plague each and every one of us each and every day ….
I didn’t even think about them for three hours on Sunday.
I went fishing.
Didn’t catch a single fish.
Didn’t matter.