Dylan Vinzant Mugshot Sunset Strip Oregon
Dylan Vinzant Mugshot - Arrested for evading Lapdance at the Sunset Strip Oregon


Dylan Vinzant isn’t the first guy to have buyer’s remorse at a strip club, and he certainly won’t be the last. But … we hope that not every guy who spent more than he wanted to on a private dance doesn’t do what Dylan did.

Vinzant found himself crawling through thorny blackberry bushes in the middle of the night on Friday, February 28th. The problems began for the 38-year-old when he decided that he just didn’t feel like paying for the $200, 15-minute private dance he got at the Sunset Strip Gentlemen’s Club in Portland, Oregon. So he just … left. He ran past the club’s security staff and just kept running. He jumped a fence and landed smack dab in the middle of that blackberry briar (and from the look of his mugshot photo, he landed face-first).

The club then (presumably) called police, because a chase began. Sheriffs started to track Vinzant’s movements and saw him go into a train-track tunnel. But what goes in must come out, and the sheriffs were waiting for him on the other side.

Upon his arrest, according to Oregonlive.com, Vinzant proclaimed to sheriff’s deputies that he is a lawyer. Apparently he is a graduate of Willamette University School of Law, and as such, it seems as if he’d be able to represent himself in court. So hey, he has that going for him!

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