With COVID-19 forcing governments nationwide to enact shelter-at-home ordinances, gentlemen’s clubs are one of countless industries that have had to close their doors to business. Because these are uncertain and unprecedented times for the industry as a whole, ED Publications is attempting to keep the industry connected and the lines of communication open.
The first ED Webcon, hosted by ED Publications on the Zoom.us platform, took place today (April 8) and featured 50 entrants from all aspects of the industry. The ED Webcon was informal and meant as a forum for club owners, executives, and vendors to share their stories and concerns amid the pandemic.
“Being able to talk to industry leaders at ED’s first Webcon was like being sprung from quarantine jail,” says ED Publications’ Publisher Don Waitt. “Already looking forward to the next one!”
Attendees included First Amendment attorney Luke Lirot, Alpha Patterned Carpets’ Marsha Jones, Caressa of Pole Position, Realtor Winston Hines, ED’s Legal Correspondent Larry Kaplan, CLUB SINROCK owner Tim Lyons, insurance broker John Jacquat, PANDA executive Danny Meyers, and the ED Publications staff.
One of the issues at the top of everyone’s mind was receiving the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Payroll Protection Program (PPP) aid money that has been rolled out through federal mandate. This subject is also slated to be the singular subject for the next ED Webcon, scheduled for Tuesday, April 14th at 2 pm.
Lirot explained there is plenty of confusion surrounding such a gargantuan and far-reaching law, including the difference between SBA loans—which are handed out at the SBA’s discretion—and PPP money—meant for disaster relief.
Lirot stressed gentlemen’s clubs are covered by the First Amendment and that while clubs can expect, as usual, hurdles toward collecting any kind of governmental aid, they should be afforded the same right as any other business eligible for aid.
“If we suffer from the same disaster as everyone else, we should be given the same consideration as everyone else,” said Lirot, who points out clubs are often harassed over the idea they present obscene content and violate prurient interest.
“(Gentlemen’s clubs) might be erotic, but we don’t venture into the area of prurient,” added Lirot, who foresees litigation as the only way for clubs to elbow their way toward a possible government remedy.
“We look forward to seeing more of our industry friends on the next ED Webcon, and on future webcons,” says ED Associate Publisher Dave Manack. “We want to help share vital information and keep everyone connected. Who knows, maybe we’ll even have a call where we all discuss our favorite streaming shows! If it keeps everyone’s spirits up, we’re happy to present these webcons for all of you.”
For more information be sure to follow our social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, visit ExoticDancer.com, and email ED’s Dave Manack at dave@edpublications.com.