Froliic’s technology aims to rid—or at least minimize—club owners of the headache when Uncle Sam comes knocking.
(Note: This article appeared in our January 2020 issue’s Special Focus on Future Technology. All of the articles in this Special Focus will be posted to
For club owners, FLSA is probably an acronym they would rather forget about but one that can’t be outrun.
The Fair Labor Standards Act “establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments,” says the US Department of Labor website.
When Uncle Sam is involved, it’s best to pay close attention. But, that’s easier said than done with the myriad of responsibilities club owners have between inventory, employees, entertainers and a bottom line. Froliic touts itself as a “solution for bringing your club into FLSA compliance.”
ED spoke with Deborah Molise of Froliic to find out how their new tech is keeping you out of Uncle Sam’s wrath.
ED: For a club owner/operator who may not be familiar with your company and its product, how would you briefly summarize Froliic and its products/services?

management. All custom tailored to how you do business.
MOLISE: Our app takes away all the major headaches of paperwork and onboarding performers. No more manually signing paper contracts, xeroxing driving licenses or inputting information. Froliic is a digital, hands-off approach for on-boarding performers while protecting your club against lawsuits and bringing it into FLSA compliance, with our tech advancements and customization of keeping track of when the performer arrives and leaves and what “type” of performer the club chooses her to be. That is, Froliic can be customized for independent contractors, tipped-employees, commission sales, etc.
ED: What are the steps in getting a club compatible with Froliic?
MOLISE: Our tech crew talks via phone or in-person with a manager/owner to see how the club is operated. Accounts and passwords are created by our tech guys for the staff (managers, house mom, DJ, etc.) they are set up and ready to go. The staff inform performers how to create an account with the performer app which will take each performer two minutes to do and they are ready to go. Performers are now digitally onboard, no paperwork, no filing cabinet needed, no manual inputting—fast and easy. Managers/staff open up the Froliic manager app to login. Any provisioned employee can make performers “available” (ready and dressed to work) and “unavailable” at the end of the shift.
Click on the performer’s name to see additional information that your club chooses to see/have (For example: “House fees paid”). All data is available to download at the click of a button. All performers appear when marked “available” in the drag-and-drop menu on the “floor.” No learning curve, very user-friendly.
ED: Talk about how Froliic brings clubs to FLSA compliance?
MOLISE: Everything varies from state to state, but Froliic is a flexible app that is specifically designed to match each club’s needs. We have time and attendance within geofencing and the ability to correctly do the commission sales model, tipped wage or independent contractor to bring each club, depending on the state, to FLSA compliance.
Our app takes away all the major headaches of paperwork and onboarding performers. No more manually signing paper contracts, xeroxing driving licenses or inputting information. — Deborah Molise
ED: How does Froliic help bring gentlemen’s club owners into the future of their club’s operations?
MOLISE: By being in FLSA compliance with our flexible app that works with each club’s different needs, and the future of digital payments (TBA) as an increasing number of people use an app (think Venmo and Cash App) to pay for most things and cash will soon be a thing of the past.
ED: Is there anything specific that Froliic is working on for 2020, in regard to new technology?
MOLISE: We have additional features coming soon that we are equally excited about which will be in the form of a guest app for table reservations and payments. This will be announced and up and running in clubs by Expo 2020.
For more information, visit or call (727) 748-6905.