In our effort to keep the industry connected at such a challenging time — while also helping to provide crucial information related to this ongoing situation — ED Publications has established the ED Webcons. These Webcons are designed to occur twice per week, on Tuesday and Thursday, consistently at 2 pm EST / 11 am PST. The subjects of each ED Webcon will be announced in advance, and the call is open to club owners, operators and other industry professionals.
The next ED Webcon is slated for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14th, and will address the process by which clubs (or those who have an incorporated business) can apply for SBA loans and the Payment Protection Program (PPP). Joining us as guest speaker will be Kevin Wilson, Director of Community Engagement for Dominion Payroll. Dominion Payroll, an EXPO sponsor and exhibitor, offers payroll, HR, timekeeping, and pre-employment solutions, with offices in Richmond, VA, Dallas, TX, Charlotte, NC, Nashville, TN, and Tampa, FL, and provides services to clients in all 50 states.

“Dominion Payroll has been doing daily web conferences for clients across the country on these and various other subjects related to this shutdown, so we are very pleased that they’ll be joining us as our guest speaker for Tuesday’s ED Webcon,” says ED Publications’ Associate Publisher, Dave Manack. “During our first Webcon, many of those in attendance had questions about SBA loans and the PPP, which is why we chose it for the subject of Tuesday’s Webcon.”
Once again, the ED Webcons use the website/platform.
Important note: You will have to download the software first in order to join the Webcon. But it’s free and easy to download, and you can do it from your smartphone (just get the app), tablet or desktop!
Here is the information you’ll need to join tomorrow’s Zoom meeting:
Visit this link at 2 pm EST/11 am PST (and make sure your web camera is on!):
Meeting ID: 840 2797 1683
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,84027971683# US (New York)
+13126266799,,84027971683# US (Chicago)
Disclaimer: During this WebCon session, attorneys and others will briefly summarize extremely complex legal and tax issues. This information is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended to provide either an exhaustive analysis of these matters or any specific legal advice or recommendation. Laws vary by state and municipality. The positions and opinions expressed by the attorneys and others are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of ED Publications, its employees or contributors. Club operators and others in attendance are strongly encouraged to consult their own attorneys, accountants and other business professionals for specific advice on how these issues will affect their businesses and what measures to take. ED Publications, which is hosting this WebCon session, does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.